Atod AB

General Company Information

Current Names Eidos Studios Sweden [common] Atod AB [corporate]
Former Names Eidos Studios Sweden AB [corporate, effective until 2008] Eidos Studios Sweden [common, effective until 2008] Gizmondo Studios Helsingborg [corporate, effective until May 2006]
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Gizmondo Studios Helsingborg [common, effective until May 2006] Warthog Sweden [corporate, effective until 2004] Warthog Sweden [common, effective until 2004] Atod AB [corporate, effective until 2002] Atod [common, effective until 2002] Atod Design KB [corporate, effective until 1992] Atod Design [common, effective until 1992]
Status Active since 1987 [>36 years]
Country of Operation Sweden [headquarters]
Website Official

Company rating 72%

Average games rating over time
All-Time 72%

Games by Platforms

Number of games and platform breakdown
1 100%
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